Friday, November 15, 2019

Modern Family - Sul Woon Do, Lim Ha Ryong song score? "Zero points"

Modern Family -  Sul Woon Do, Lim Ha Ryong song score? "Zero points"

In the MBN 'Modern Family', which aired on the 15th, Lim Ha-ryong visited Yangpyeong's house of Seolundo, which he had been close to since his debut time was similar.

Modern Family -  Sul Woon Do, Lim Ha Ryong song score? "Zero points"
Seol-do also welcomed and loved Lim Ha-yong. However, Lim Ha-yong asked for the song and his face changed.

Modern Family -  Sul Woon Do, Lim Ha Ryong song score? "Zero points"
Seol Undo said in an interview, "I was absurd when I asked for a song. Because I don't know the basics of the song, I don't know who to give it to me. How do you give me the song?"

He said to Lim Hae-yong, "Are you refusing?"

Modern Family -  Sul Woon Do, Lim Ha Ryong song score? "Zero points"
However, when Im Ha-ryong couldn't build his dream, Sul Woon-do said firmly, "It's much better to do a movie or comedy. It's hard.

Modern Family -  Sul Woon Do, Lim Ha Ryong song score? "Zero points"
He brought a guitar to evaluate Lim's singing skills. Lim Ha-ryong is wrong with the beat. Sul Woon-do said, "Let's eat and eat today. Basically I can't sing." When asked for the score of Lim Ha Ryong's song, he said, "It's zero. If you build a house without a pillar, it will collapse.

Modern Family -  Sul Woon Do, Lim Ha Ryong song score? "Zero points"
On this day, Sul Woon Do grilled Korean beef in the garden and served it to Lim Ha Ryong. Since then, his disciple, Singer Joo-mi, has visited and taught basic skills on the spot. Sul Undo said, "I don't do anybody singers."

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